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Minimum Wage Increase

Have you been following the discussions and debate on raising the minimum wage? Just for the record, we are not opposed to a change in minimum wages. But we need to be “real” about the impact of this decision. Raising the minimum wage tends to cause all wages to go up not just the minimum wage positions. Payroll taxes increase as the wage rate increases. We believe the cost for some services and products we purchase, will go up. Like a lot of companies right now, we are calculating the potential impact. We are concerned.
Our employees are worth more and should be paid higher. Our primary funding source is Medicaid. Medicaid DOES NOT cover the actual costs of providing a home, meals and health services now for those residents on the program. Our options at St. Andrew’s Place is to either stop accepting Medicaid residents, fundraise more, and/or ask for help. St. Andrew’s Place will continue to accept Medicaid. St. Andrew’s Place will continue to fundraising. However, we need your help. Please contact our state elected officials and ask them to help increase the Medicaid rates.

Please send the following letter:

Dear xxx,

St. Andrew’s Place Assisted Living located in Port Angeles, Washington accepts a high level of residents participating in Medicaid. Over the past three years, their actual daily expense per resident has been $100 or better. The typical rate received for their Medicaid residents usually run between $68 and $87 per day, this causes a financial challenge. We want St. Andrew’s Place to continue accepting new Medicaid residents. We want our families to stay in Port Angeles. St Andrew’s Place needs a raise in the Medicaid rates. They have to pay their bills like everyone else. And please note, as a non-profit, they do not pay stockholders or owners – funds are put back into St. Andrew’s Place – for the residents, employees and building.
Please advocating for an increase in the Medicaid rates during the next Legislative session.
Thank-you for your time.



Our Elected Officials:
Jim Hargrove Jim.Hargrove@leg.wa.gov
Kevin Van De Wege Kevin.VanDeWege@leg.wa.gov
Steve Tharinger Steve.Tharinger@leg.wa.gov



Photo: State Senate panel in Olympia. http://nwpr.org/